Development of socio-emotional skills in Nursing students: A Socioformative Perspective.

  • Lydia Alicia Rodríguez Jiménez Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
  • Sergio Raúl Herrera Meza Colegio de Estudios Superiores y Especialidades del Estado de Oaxaca
Keywords: nursing students, integral formation, socioemotional skills, knowledge society, socioformation


The purpose of this article was to perform an analysis on the concept of socioemotional skills (HSE) to identify those that nursing students need to develop during their training, in order to increase their human talent. An analysis was carried out with four categories related to socio-emotional skills and the integral training of nursing staff. It was found that there are different conceptualizations to refer to the emotional part and that all seek to train competent people by managing their emotions. The importance of developing HSE in nursing students with the methodology of the socioformative approach was also highlighted. From the analysis carried out, it was understood that the training of nurses requires changes that point towards the socioformative model, so that they can develop their full potential, including the development of HSE as part of an integral formation.
