Education in times of COVID-19; perspective from the socioformation.

  • Gabriel Estuardo Cevallos Uve Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsa´chila
  • Enma Rocío Cedeño Hidalgo Ministerio de Educación de Ecuador
  • Verónica Beatriz Sánchez Ramírez Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsa´chila
  • Katherine Marisol Macas Moreira Instituto Superior Tecnológico Calazacón
  • Yordenis Ramos López Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsa´chila
Keywords: learning, evaluation, COVID-19, pandemic, socioformation


The COVID-19 pandemic suddenly became an immense test for the education systems of all countries. This point of view led to orientations to the educational community to attend to the emergency. Reanimate educational activities with students and teachers considering their family situations as an essential component when implementing the ability to educate remotely, with the use of digital platforms as a priority. In the documentary research, the socioformative approach is identified in some way to face the emergency in the future, while adapted educational programs are built, planning should focus on the needs of the environment, the reality of the student, the teacher, their family and what to do once the pandemic is over.
