Cephalometric correlation of the chin and mandibular body in young Andean adults, year 2019.

  • Janina Fernanda Cocios Arpi Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Jessica Aracely Trelles Méndez Ministerio de Salud Pública
  • Paulina Alexandra Jinez Zuñiga Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Christian David Zapata Hidalgo Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Ronald Roossevelt Ramos Montiel Universidad Católica de Cuenca
Keywords: mandible, cephalometry, chin, facial asymmetry, beauty


Facial aureus proportions are enigmatic and are subjectively conditioned to the modifications of the lower third, due to the fact that the adequate position of the soft tissues and the chin allow the functional, aesthetic, and biological balance; therefore, the objective of this research was to know the possible cephalometric correlation of the chin and mandibular body. A quantitative correlational study was carried out with a non-experimental documentary-retrospective design, the sample consisted of 384 lateral skull radiographs in young Andean adults. The results allow estimating a positive statistical correlation between chin and mandibular body; therefore, it is possible to conclude that the size of the chin is directly proportional to the size of the mandibular body in young Andean adults.
