Proposal of a methodology for formative evaluation from the teaching-learning of Geography in high school.

  • Hermes López Azahares Universidad de Oriente
  • Orvelis Alba Castellanos Universidad de Oriente
  • Christian Rodríguez Bello Universidad de Guantánamo
Keywords: formative assessment, teaching-learning of geography, educational agents


Pre-university education in Cuba is in its third improvement, with the aim of developing a training process where the multiplicity of educational factors and agents are integrated, key aspects to provide quality education. As part of this improvement, the teaching-learning of Geography is of singular importance, since from the treatment of the knowledge system, objectives, methods, means and forms of organization typical of geographical subjects, it guarantees the reinforcement of the instructive aspects, educational and developer of the pre-university training process. For this, a methodology is required for formative evaluation in the teaching-learning of Geography that puts teachers in a position to carry out formative evaluation.
