Montessori pedagogy and its impact on Early Childhood Education.

  • Peggy Verónica Hernández Jara Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo
  • Viviana del Rocío Onofre Zapata Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo
  • Victoria Josefina Gómez Alcívar Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo
Keywords: Method, pedagogy, learning and education


This work presents the systematization of research on Montessori pedagogy carried out by students and teachers in the period September 2020- March 2021 and reports of observation of the pre-professional practices of the students of different careers of the FCJSE of the Babahoyo Technical University. The data were collected by the students to recognize the pedagogical model that is applied and developed in public and private initial education establishments in the city of Babahoyo. The systematization made it possible to determine that at the level of discourse and official documents, the constructivist model is the one that stands out; however, in practice it is not the only one present in child development centers, since the Montessori model is also identified.
