Set of activities for the mastery of investigative skills in students of the initial Education career of the National University of Chimborazo, Ecuador.

  • Tannia Alexandra Casanova Zamora Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
  • Zoila Grimaneza Roman Proaño Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
  • Nancy Patricia Valladares Carvajal Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
  • Mónica Elizabeth Granizo Valdiviezo FISIOCLINIC Centro de Rehabilitación Física Integral
Keywords: investigative skills, set of activities, methodological strategy, National University of Chimborazo


The article shows a proposal consisting of a set of activities for the mastery of investigative skills in sixth semester students of the Initial Education Career of the National University of Chimborazo. Based on the characterization of the problem, the methodological strategy and activities for the implementation of the proposal were established, which was applied in the academic period October 2019 - February 2020 with the participation of 41 students. During its development, group and individual work was used, and its impact was evidenced in the domain of investigative skills such as the identification of problems, the search for information, the processing of information and the communication of results.
