Educational management in teacher evaluation.

  • Grisdania Sánchez Gómez Profesora de nivel secundaria en una institución privada
  • Asbinia Suárez Ovando Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • Jesús Hernández del Real Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
Keywords: teacher evaluation, action research, educational management, education, training


This proposal is part of an intervention project currently in process, which aims to know the current situation of the teacher evaluation that is carried out in the administrative coordination of secondary level of a private Mexican institution for the design of strategies to improve this institutional indicator. Taking the action research methodology (AI) through the diagnostic levels, using qualitative data collection instruments, it is intended to find the areas of opportunity that can be redesigned in innovative processes of teacher evaluation from the educational management focused on the constant change and improvement, thereby achieving a holistic and in-depth look at the importance of the manager as an agent of that change.
