Method for handling single- and multiple-choice calculated type questions.

  • José Alejandro Segura Hernández Universidad Politécnica de Victoria
  • Jorge Arturo Hernández-Almazán Universidad Politécnica de Victoria
  • Rubén Machucho-Cadena Universidad Politécnica de Victoria
Keywords: knowledge management, assessment, mathematics, calculated question, question types


In this paper, a formula-based method is proposed to evaluate questions of the calculated simple and calculated multiple-choice types. The method performs the conversion of formulas from infix to postfix notation, for later evaluation and resolution. Questions include unknowns that take random values based on ranges or specific sets of values. This contributes to the assignment of questions with independent values in the evaluation of each student, consequently, the answers will be different. The method is validated by evaluating a questionnaire (exam) that is part of a system, which aims to manage the knowledge of students in the disciplinary area of mathematics at the university level.
