Use of the algeplano to develop the learning of algebra in second grade high school students of the educational institution N° 56394 César Vallejo de Espinar- Cusco, 2019.

  • Rosario Jolber Cjuro Ttito Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Mariluz Zuliram Coquenaira Fernández Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad Del Cusco
  • José Segundo Niño Montero Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Francisca Lavilla Abarca Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco
  • Alejandra Dulvina Romero Díaz Universidad de Lima
Keywords: Algeplano, learning, algebra, experimental


The purpose of this report was to determine to what extent the use of the Algeplane contributes to developing the learning of algebra in second grade high school students. It was characterized as applied research because it contributed discoveries to the teaching of mathematics. The design used was experimental. The study population is made up of high school students and the sample consisted of 57 students (experimental and control group). The results obtained at the global level of the groups showed that after carrying out the learning sessions with the use of the Algeplane, a positive effect was obtained on the learning of algebra.
