The teaching of evolution in two disciplines: Natural Sciences of primary education and Biology of secondary and higher secondary education, and its improvement in Cuba.

  • Luis Roberto Jardinot Mustelier Universidad de Oriente
  • Raquel Rodríguez Artau Secretaría de la Subcomisión de Biología del Ministerio de Educación
  • Edith Miriam Santos Palma Instituto Central de Ciencias Pedagógicas del Ministerio de Educación
Keywords: evolution, biology teaching, integral formation, scientific understanding, general education


This article presents the problem of the teaching of evolution in general education, educational importance and a review of the results of the design of the contents on the evolution in the third improvement of the Cuban general education, with a strong presence in guiding ideas, axes of programming, content approaches, objectives and contents of two disciplines: Natural Sciences of primary education and Biology of secondary and higher secondary education. In relation to the previous stages, the evolution continues to be valued in the curricular documents and a greater impact is projected on the scientific training of the students from methodological proposals based on a developing and formative conception of the teaching-learning process.
