Analysis of digital divide in the peruvian education

  • Yoisy LLapapasca Morocho Colegio Augusto Cazorla
  • Linda Herondina Contreras Huarhua I.E. San Juan, Unidad de Gestión Educativa - UGEL 01
  • Pascuala Quispe Díaz Colegio Abrahám Valdelomar
  • Juana Elizabeth Quilla Medina IEI 351 San Martín de Porres
Keywords: TICs, digital gaps, education, government


The implementation of ICTs are a key factor in combating the digital gaps that characterize Latin America, and their importance has transcended political scenarios that have sought to seek technological equality in the educational sector. The objective of this study is to present an account of the projects implemented by the Peruvian governments during the last 20 years, based on real events, and it is concluded that in Peru there have been different governments that have created and implemented a different project focused on the ICTs; however, none of these have given continuity to the projects by their previous governments, preventing this fact from concrete or conclusive results that reduce the digital gaps in the education sector.
