Role of healthy and unhealthy eating in the level of subjective well-being experienced by adolescents and adults. A systematic review.

  • Evelyn Yazmin Estrada Nava Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Marcela Veytia López Instituto de Estudios Sobre la Universidad
  • Rosalinda Guadarrama Guadarrama Instituto de Estudios Sobre la Universidad
  • Marcela Pérez Rodríguez Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social
Keywords: diet quality, healthy eating, subjective wellbeing


Healthy eating turns out to be a factor in the benefit of better mental health; however, at the moment the information about the role it has on subjective well-being is scarce. Objective: to analyze through a systematic review the relationship between a healthy (AS) and unhealthy (ANS) diet with the level of subjective well-being (BS) in adolescents and adults. The PRISMA method was used through the PubMed, EBSCO and Science Direct databases, finding 6 articles that met the inclusion criteria. The results confirm a positive relationship between AS and BS. In conclusion, a greater attachment to an AS promotes a higher level of BS.
