The police function against the self-protection of possession.

  • Manuel Santiago Ramos Mayta Escuela de Educación Superior Técnico Profesional PNP.
  • Cecilia Veliz Lara Escuela de Suboficiales de la Policía Nacional del Perú de Trujillo.
Keywords: possession, property, self-protection, police, public force


The extrajudicial possessory defense regulated in art. 920 of the Civil Code, is an action of a personal nature that responds to the principle of private defense, to the extent that the power to exercise it is linked to an individual interest whose owner is solely and exclusively the subject of the action. The extrajudicial defense of possession should not be conceived as an administrative procedure before the National Police, as has been misunderstood, but as a personal or private action, the exercise of which is optional, subject to the private interest of the owner and not of the public administration; given that, it can be exercised directly without the intervention of State agencies. This is the essence that sustains the work.
