Impact of educational factors that influence the behavior of students in rural and urban upper secondary educational institutions.

  • Jarery Mayrani Mendoza Estrada Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • Blanca Lilia Ramos González Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • Rosa Cornelio Landero Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
Keywords: educational factors, institutions, students, teachers


The objective of this article is to identify the educational factors that influence student learning in rural and urban educational institutions; for this, a qualitative methodology was used, which included 7 questions for teachers and 6 questions for students, which resulted in students having better learning in urban schools, since they can have a better education because they have more resources, and on the part of the teachers, it is mentioned that the students have a better education and learning in the urban environment, since it is a better prepared school, for which it is concluded that significant learning is carried out in the urban institution by the accessibility to students.
