Influence of Connectivism in the generation of significant learning of the Marketing course in university students, Arequipa - Peru, 2023.

  • Diego Gonzalo Fernández Sánchez C.A.A.P. Asesoría e Investigación
  • Rosa Sofía Villar Cóndor Estudio de Arquitectos Rosselló
  • Andrea Carolina Villar Cóndor Universidad César Vallejo
  • Jefersson Rogers Ramírez Mochcco Universidad Nacional del Callao
  • Licely Patricia Cahui Torres C.A.A.P. Asesoría e Investigación
Keywords: connectivism, meaningful learning, business consulting


The general objective of the research was to establish the influence of connectivism in the generation of significant learning in the Marketing course in university students, Arequipa, Peru, 2023. The methodology was of a mixed approach, explanatory level, application type and use of the hypothetical-deductive method. The study population consisted of 40 students from a private university in Arequipa (experimental group) and 40 students from a business consultancy (control group). Sampling was non-probabilistic. The survey and observation were used as a technique and the questionnaire, the observation guide and evaluation rubrics were used as instruments. It was concluded that connectivism influences the generation of significant learning of the students under study.
