Analysis of consumer knowledge as a basis for the formulation of technological strategies in an organizational entity.

  • Edmundo José Jalón Arias Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Mariana Eunise Zamora Mendoza Directora del Distrito de Educación Mocache-Quevedo
  • Ruth Elizabeth Racines Macías Asistente del Distrito de Educación Mocache-Quevedo
  • Samuel Fernando Bustillos Mena Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: Business environment, consumer, business, strategies, technology


In the business field, it is common to find technological strategies developed by organizations without an exhaustive analysis of the relevant aspects of the consumer. This raises the question of how to design innovative business strategies based on Consumer Insight for the specific case of the "Comisariato Escolar". To address this issue, this research aims to analyze the Insights of the consumers of the stationery "Comisariato Escolar" to design an effective business strategy. The focus of this research is quantitative, adopting a non-experimental design and exploratory-descriptive scope. This has made it possible to identify relevant aspects of the consumer and describe their profile.
