The evaluation of the duty of care in imprudence: the fundamental role of the principle of trust as a limit.

  • Edmundo Enrique Pino Andrade Universidad Autónoma Regional de los Andes
  • María Auxiliadora Santacruz Vélez Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Tirsa Salome Gómez Proaño Sector público
  • Juan Alberto Rojas Cárdenas Universidad Autónoma Regional de los Andes
Keywords: reckless crime, illegal conduct, legal field, legal scope, criminal modality


Reckless crime is a topic of great relevance in the legal field, since it is an illegal conduct that can have serious consequences for people and society in general; That is why this paper aims to analyze the structure and elements of this criminal modality. To achieve this objective, it is necessary to emphasize that the advancement of technologies means that recklessness can have a greater impact on society; therefore, it is crucial to analyze in detail the objective type as a central element of the reckless crime. It can be concluded that this crime can generate legal consequences for not acting in accordance with the norm that prescribes a certain conduct.
