The Personalized Teaching Model; an alternative for sports initiation.

  • Jorge Garduño Durán Universidad Contemporánea de las Américas
Keywords: personalized teaching model, sports initiation, physical education, pedagogical principles, professional skills


During the COVID-19 pandemic, the form of in-person intervention was altered due to social distancing, one of the forms of intervention that was adapted to the conditions was the Personalized Teaching Model (MEP). The objective of the research was to know how the pedagogical principles of the MEP are translated into intervention proposals to guide Sports Initiation. Ethnography was used to analyze in depth intervention proposals of teachers in training for the bachelor's degree in Physical Education during the 2022-2023 school year in a Normal School in the State of Mexico. The results reveal that gradual progress was made in the transition from reproduction to innovation in the ways of applying the model.
