Using teaching materials as an essential subsystem for comprehending Mathematics in Primary Education: a multidimensional theoretical perspective

  • Jacqueline Andrés López Escuela Normal de San Felipe del Progreso
  • Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus Centro de Estudios Pedagógicos de la Universidad de Las Tunas
Keywords: teaching materials, comprehension, Mathematics, Primary Education


This study examines the role of teaching materials, featuring a variety of conceptual representations, as a crucial subsystem for understanding mathematics in Primary Education. Using a comprehensive theoretical approach, the research explores how these materials facilitate access to diverse per spectives, cater to learning diversity, aid in meaning construction, and encourage critical thinking. A significant gap is identified between the current state and the desired outcome of this process, prese nting a relevant scientific problem. The study proposes the transformation of educational policies and practices to ensure equitable access to diverse, high quality teaching materials. This transformation is seen as a key contributor to the holistic development of students and to fostering a profound understanding of mathematics from an early age.
