The use of Work-Family Balance Measures in Latin American men: a systematic review.

  • Polet Jackeline Islas Magaña Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Donatella Di Marco Universidad de Sevilla
  • Alicia Arenas Moreno Universidad de Sevilla
  • José Carlos Cervantes Ríos Universidad de Guadalajara
Keywords: work-family reconciliation measures, men, systematic review, organizational support


The work-family balance measures were designed to be applied equally to both men and women, but the reality shows that men are poorly included in them, making it important to highlight this issue. This study aims to explore and describe research conducted on work-family balance measures implemented for men in Latin America. The search was conducted in 2023 in the Web of Science, Scopus, PsycINFO, and Redalyc databases, focusing only on articles from Latin America that included males or were exclusively conducted with this population. The results reveal a scarcity of studies centered on the male perspective and a perception of a lack of reconciliation policies and organizational support.
