The impact of didactic resources on initial literacy in the second grade of primary education; a comparative study between Spain and Mexico.

  • Rubayyath Gildebardo Escamilla Flores Centro Regional de Educación Normal “Rafael Ramírez Castañeda”
  • Emigdio Germán Martínez Vázquez Centro Regional de Educación Normal “Rafael Ramírez Castañeda”
  • José Francisco Acuña Esquer Centro Regional de Educación Normal “Rafael Ramírez Castañeda”
  • Ximena Guadalupe Galindo Lugo Escuela Primaria “Jesús García”
Keywords: didactic resources, literacy, didactic strategies, teaching-learning


The objective of the research was to analyze the impact of didactic resources to promote the initial literacy process in second grade students of primary education. It is a study with a quantitative approach, correlational descriptive scope and quasi-experimental design. The sample is made up of the 2nd “A” group with 20 students from CEIP San Fernando in Cuenca, Spain and the 2nd “A” group with 30 students from the “Ramón Oquita Montenegro” Elementary School in Navojoa, Sonora, Mexico. Two instruments were applied: a diagnostic test and a final literacy exam. The main finding is that the teaching strategies and resources used greatly favored the reading and writing process in students.
