The social representation of digital competence in primary school girls and boys.

  • Martha Guadalupe Salazar Espinoza Universidad Pedagógica del Estado de Sinaloa
  • María Luisa Pereira Hernández Universidad Pedagógica del Estado de Sinaloa
Keywords: digital competence, social representations, primary, Technology of the information and communication


This article aims to analyze and characterize the social representations of digital competence in Primary Education students. It corresponds to the qualitative approach of exploratory scope and descriptive cut, using the case study method, and applying interviews, to identify the particularities of the responses and description of the drawings. In the results, the representation of competition is linked to the aspect of competing and not to ability or skill. Likewise, the word digital remains absent in 1st and 2nd grades, while in 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grades, it is associated with video games. Emphasis is placed on the representation of digital competence as allowing them to be creative, original, critical, and dynamic, to use it effectively.
