Diagnostic assessment as an assessment tool for educational needs.

  • Ana Ruth Ulloa Pimienta TecNM/Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Villa la Venta
  • María Isabel Soberano Mayo TecNM/Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Villa la Venta
  • Marlene Mijangos Romero TecNM/Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Villa la Venta
  • Rosalia García Rosaldo Universidad Valle del Sureste
Keywords: learning, basic competencies, learning styles, diagnostic evaluation


Educational assessment is an invaluable tool to obtain information about the teaching-learning process. This research documents a study carried out in a Public Elementary School in the Municipality of Cárdenas, Tabasco, with third grade students of group "B", with the objective of identifying, through a diagnostic assessment, the strengths and weaknesses of learning and teaching approaches. The results show that more than 50% of the students have a kinesthetic learning style, in the skills of reading, writing and reading comprehension the level of development is excellent; however, in math operations they require more support. These results can be used to provide information to students, parents and managers, promoting a more favorable study environment.
