Social factors associated with admission to postgraduate studies based on student opinions.

  • Patricia López Rodríguez Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • José de Jesús Peinado Camacho Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Keywords: social factors, students, postgraduate


This research aimed to examine the social factors linked to admission to postgraduate studies from the students' points of view. The methodology was qualitative. The method used was empirical-analytical. It was non-experimental research. Its design was transversal and exploratory. The sample was non-probabilistic. The results showed that the main social factors found were those related to personal improvement, work-related, the postgraduate institution, as well as the family environment and close circle. In this regard, most of the students interviewed considered that they have benefited from it. The main conclusion is that social factors can be considered as an advantage that favors admission to postgraduate studies.
