Complaints process as an indicator of improvement in the management of the sanitation sector in Peru.

  • Pablo Fernando Jaime Perry Lavado Universidad César Vallejo
Keywords: project management, health education, organization, water treatment, water quality


The objective of the study was to analyze the complaints process as an indicator of improvement in the management of the sanitation sector in Peru. The type of research was basic, quantitative approach, non-experimental design and descriptive level. The documentary technique was used for the normative framework of the drinking water and sewerage regulatory system, the general tariff regulations, the quality regulations for the provision of sanitation services, statistical information from international benchmarking and the 51 companies operating in urban localities. Finally, the National Superintendency of Sanitation Services reported that currently 3.3 million Peruvians do not have a public drinking water network and 6.4 million do not have sewerage connections.
