Formation and regulation of the educational services market, according to the requirements of the market economy.

  • M.G. Sergeeva
  • N.V. Alexandrova
  • S. Yu Mikhaylova
  • N.V. Ivanov
  • E.V. Merzliakova
  • T.F. Sizova
  • A.V. Okereshko. 
Keywords: educational services, educational services market, graduate of professional educational organization, market economy, marketing tools


The new conditions for the provision of educational services in Russia, such as the transition from a state monopoly to a multi-level education system, paid education, have required the restructuring of educational institutions. The results showed that an important characteristic of educational services is that they are produced and consumed simultaneously. But the educational service is always a fairly long process. Educational services must meet the uniform quality criteria developed by the state, municipal or public education authorities or international organizations and according to the level of purpose and quality of education defined by the relevant standards. Graduates offer their workforce to companies that evaluate the skills of this workforce in the form of starting salaries and other employment conditions.
