Features of prognostic competence of younger schoolchildren with deficit development.

  • Dmitry Andreevich Artemyev
  • Anna Ivanovna Akhmetzyanova
  • Tatiana Vasilyevna Artemyeva. 
Keywords: prognostic competence, future situations, younger schoolchildren, deficit development, socialization


The purpose of this study is to identify the specific features of prognostic competence of younger schoolchildren with musculoskeletal system disorders, hearing, vision and speech impairments. The study revealed that children of primary school age with speech disorders have a lower ability to predict future events in the areas of relationships with adults and peers in compare to their peers with no impairments. Younger schoolchildren with visual impairments have difficulties in regulating their behavior during educational activities. Schoolchildren with hearing impairments have difficulties in identifying causal links of future situations.
