The new generation counselor: system and training technology.

  • Svetlana V. Kutnyak
  • Darya V. Kizhaeva
  • Elena V. Dementieva
  • Alexander E. Falileev. 
Keywords: counselor, children's association, temporary children's team, professional competence of the counselor, pedagogical group


The article presents the experience of psychological and pedagogical training of students of a pedagogical higher education institution to work as a camp counselor or children's association. For the high-quality and effective formation of these competencies among students, a training system is proposed that ensures the holistic development of the personality of the counselor, the development of his worldview, and stimulates life and professional self-determination forms of counselors certification, the principles of the organization of student teaching and instructive-methodological collecting, technologies of pedagogical support of the student leader are characterized.
