Scientific methodological and didactic quality in the evaluation of research projects.

  • Olga Gloria Barbón Pérez
  • Ariel Romero Fernández
  • Mario Zavala Hoyos
  • Mario Aguilar Martínez
  • María Lorena Merizalde Avilés. 
Keywords: Systematization, scientific methodological quality in the evaluation of research projects, didactic quality in the evaluation of research projects, evaluation of research projects


A theoretical systematization has been carried out based on the following systematization criteria: scientific methodological quality in the evaluation of research projects, didactic quality in the evaluation of research projects and evaluation of research projects. A total of 70 papers were reviewed, 28 were discarded because they did not fully comply with the systematization criteria or include outdated information. Reflections were made on the opinions expressed in 22 documents, including regulations, books and scientific articles.
