Current problems in the teaching of Chemistry to high school students.

  • Monserrat Catalina Orrego Riofrío
  • Hernán Castillo Villacrés
  • Mesías Machado Maliza
  • Ximena Cangas Oña
  • Janneth Ximena Iglesias Quintana. 
Keywords: chemistry teaching, baccalaureate, experimental sciences


The decrease of the enrollment of students in experimental sciences, and in particular of the Chemistry, as well as the diminution in their competitions to complete the subject Chemical of the basic cycles of other university careers, is a world-wide problem. The students' disinterest in chemistry responds to the lack of motivation for this science and the difficulty of their learning; besides, it is not perceived by them as useful for the future life. The present investigation applies a methodology to reflect on ways to promote the approach of students to Chemistry in high school.
